Phnom Bak and Phnom Chenh Chiang
Phnom Bak and Phnom Chenh Chiang are natural and cultural sites located in Serei Sophon district along national Road 5, about 5 kilometer west of Banteay Meanchey provincial town. The two mountains are near one other. The vertical faces of the mountains are like a wall.
At the flank, there is a place for visitor relaxes. At the foot of the mountain is a large wall 10 square meter and 12 meter deep. Some stone statues are sculptures there. There are also a number of vendors selling stone sculptures.

Laang Phnom Toch
Laang Phnom touch is a nature and cultural site located in Mongkol Borei district along national rode 5, about 28 kilometers south of the provincial town. The site feature nature walls and big and Small Mountain with large stone faces and surfaces. From the mountain tops, visitors have a spectacular in view of nature forest and pagoda on the mountainside. The site is popular with local people on festival days.

Kang Va Basin
Kang va basin is locate in serei sophon district along the normal road 69A, about 4kilometers northeast of provincial town. This is a nature site where visitors can breathe fresh air, view beautiful scenery, swim, fish, and ride boats. Kang Va Basin was built from 1976-1978, during the khmer Rouge regime, as a water reservoir for dry season rice cultivation.

Trapiang Tma
Trapiang Tma is located in Phnom Srok district, about 56 kilometer east of the province town. It is a nature site similar to Kang Va Basin, but larger. There are fewer activities for tourist, however, because Trapiang Tma is farther to Trapaing Tma the provincial town.
Trapaing Tam is rich gray cranes, an endangered species. Gray Cranes migrate to Rattanakiri Annually to lay their eggs. When their offspring are big enough, the cranes return to Traoaing Tma, because there is more food there.

Banteay Chmar Temple
Banteay Chmar temple is historical site located in Tma Puok district along national road 69A, about 59 kilometers north of provincial town. A temple was built in the 12th and 13th centuries, during the reign of king Jayavarman VII. But year of the war have laid waste to the temple, and thieves and villagers have remove the statues and sculptures for sale in Thailand.

There are other temples in Banteay Meanchey province besides the Banteay Chhma including Banteay Toap, Preah and Pram Temple. These temple, however, have ever not been conserved. Today, Banteay Chhmar temple is an important site in Banteay Meanchey province in the development of international tourism.

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