Baray Andet

Baray Andet is in Baray village, Baray commune, Prey Veng district, 3 kilometres west of Prey Veng provincial town. It is a plain on high ground surrounded by big trees. It is believed that Baray Andet is Bang Bot place, where all of the powerful and magical spirits in Prey Veng province gather, so local people consider it to be an ideal place for swearing oaths and praying.

On Silas days, people play pinpeat music for the spirit Neakta. They pray for happiness and ask for rain to grow rice. This is also the starting point for the Neatka procession to Be Phnom before Khmer New Year.

Ba PhnomPrey-Veng-2

Ba Phnom is located in Chheur Kach commune, Ba Phnom district about 78 Kilometres east of Phnom Penh and 45 kilometres south of Prey Veng province town. Visitors traveling from Phnom Penh along National Road 1 should turn left at Kampong sneung market and go about 7 kilometres.

There are four mountains in Ba Phnom-Phnom Sampeou, Phnom Laang, Phnom Thom and Phnom Banhchor. Ba Phnom was once the ancient city NoKor Phnom, which was located near these mountains in Ba Phnom district. Few remnants of the city remain. Among those that can be seen are pirces of the ancient temple Prasat Chan, which was located in front of Wat Vihear Kuk, near the foot of Phnom Sampeou in Cheung Phnom commune. At one time, the city also has a palace and a hall, but both have been destroyed by years of war.

The view from the top of Ba Phnom is very picturesque. There is a big, rocky cave near the mountaintop that shelters wildlife. At the food of mountain, there is a pagoda, Wat Phnom, also known as Wat Ba Phnom.

A road circle the mountains, and a big pond lies the east of them. People live around the mountains. Ba Phnom has been eyed for tourism development east of the Mekong River, because the area attracts many people on weekends and during Cambodian festival.

Chhong Srok Temple

Chong Srok temple is located in Chong Srok village, Chong Srok commune, Srei Sithar Kandal district, about 38 kilometres north of Prey Veng provincial town. Chong Sork temple was built of brick and sandstone statue of a bull, once revered as a powerful Bodhisattva, or a Buddhist deity.Prey-Veng-1

Beside the three sites, there are 15 other worship sites for visitors to explore:

Vihear Kandal in Kampong Trabek district
Vihear Prey Cha Riek in Kampong Trabek district
Vihear Prey Vear in Kampong Trabek district
Kampong Trabek Stupa
Wat Kdel Troap in Preah Sdech district
Kdei Ang or Ang Chumnit in Preah Sdech district
Vihear Preah Sena in Preah Sdech district
Wat Viang Ptan in Preah Sdech district
Vihear Hor in Preah Sdech district
Preah Poan in Preah Sdech district
Vihear in Preah Sdech district
Preah Vihear Kuk in Ba Phnom district
Preach Vihear Cham or Cham Ba Phnom
Preach Theat Me Bon in Prey Veng district
Animists in Prey Veng province go to these sites to worship. The sites are also gathering point for local people.

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