Sambo Preykuk Temple

Sambo Preykuk is a cultural and historical site located in sambo village, sambo commune, prasat sambo district about 25 kilometers northeast of kampong thom provincial town. The site was once an old capital named isanapura and a religious center for the worship of shiva Brahmanism.

Many temples were built in sambo preykuk during the reign of king insanavarman I ( AD 616-635) In the 7th century the temples of sambo preykuk constructed of solid brick, laterite and sandstone and decorated by bas reliefs the lintel pillars and the door frames are all made of sandstone.

So far, 140 temples have been discovered in the forest sambo prekkuk temples are divided into four main groups.


The Central Temple

The central temple is called tor temple or the lion temple there are sealed doors on three sides and a real door that opens on the north side. On each side is set of stairs between two statues of kneeling lions. There are a number of small temple west of lion temple. The lion temple was built in 9th century.


The Northern Temple

The northern temples are called mid sambo temples and are surrounded by many small temples. Then southern temples are called yeay poan temples. They too, are surrounded by many temples. There are two ramparts, which the inner rampart has four gopuras on each side. This site was a former capital.

Kraol Romeas Temples

Kraol Romeas Tempies are located about 2 kilometers north of sambo preykuk all were built of brick, except the temple to the west, which is made of laterite.

To conserve the temples, three areas are designated as protected sites for the purpose of conserving the temples. They are marked as follows:

-First Area: the first area covers 30 meters outside the rampart.

-Second Area: the first area covers 300 meters outside the first area.

-Third Area: the third area covers 1500 meters outside the second area.

Kuhak NorkorThe-Northern-Temple-2

Kuhak Norkor is Located in trodork village, ponggro commune, baray district, about 96 kilometers from phnom penh. The site covers 200 square meters. Kuhak norkor temple is located on the grounds of kuhak norkor pagoda. The temple is 45 meters long and 35 meters wide, similar to tonle bati temple.

Constructed of sandstone in the 11th century during the reign of king suryavarman I, it is surrounded by a 3 meter high sandstone rampart. The temple is divided into three parts the first part is 8 meters high , the second is 12 meters high and the third is 15 meters high.

Phnom Santuk

Phnom sentuk is a cultural and natural site located in ko koh village, ko koh commune, santuk district, about 17 kilometers south of kampong thom provincial town. The site includes four mountains: phnom srah khmao or phnom tbeng, phnom penchum or phnom kraper, phnom champa and phnom santuk.Phnom-Santuk

On the top of the 180 meter high mountain, is a pagoda known as wat kinchaomchong phnom santuk. The pagoda gate at the foot of the mountain is very beautiful. This pagoda itself is reached by climbing an 809-step staircase that features a long concrete hand rail in the shape of prohm carrying naga which was constructed in 1996 along the staircase there are many big trees and large stones. Though a long hike, there are four points of interest on the climb to the mountaintop.

-At 230 step, there is an access to rock valley and a well.

– At 455 step, there is a resting hall to the left which has a Buddha statue.

– At 620th Step, there are large rocks and trees to offer shade for weary climbers.

– At 694th Step, there are a number of huge rocks at the right known as chanre. Between the rocks is a slit about 5 centimeters wide,

3 meters long and 6 meters deep.

To reach the pagoda, visitors can take either the old or new staircase from chanre spot. The main temple of the pagoda cover 16 square meters. North of the pagoda, there is a worship hall that cover 144 square meters. Made of concrete, it has a ceramic tile floor and a red tile roof. Behind the pagoda, there is a Chinese temple that faces east. It houses a bodhisattva gua yin statue.

Behind the temple, there are fine statues of the reclining Buddha reaching nirvana and 99 smaller front of this temple, there are many other statues, including preah bat choan tuk, the buddha’s footprints; chan Re’s mother’s breast statue; and chat ruot, a multilayered umbrella nearby is a statue of eysei akinet, where local people often workship.

Next to phnom santuk is another mountain, phnom srah kmao, which has an old brick temple and a bat cave on the mountaintop, where everyday, between 5 and 6 p.m; thousand of bats fly from and into the countryside.

Prey ProsThe-Northern-Temple

Prey Pros is a seminatural and cultural site in prey preal village, prey preal commune, kampong svay district about 16 kilometers northwest of kampong svay district, about 16 kilometers northwest of kampong thom provincial town. The site encompasses 2 million square meters and includes a river that is 4000 meters long and 30 meters wide. It is rich in domrei fish.

The site is a venue for foot races, biclycle races and other games during national festivals. In addition the provincial tourist office has organized other activities such as boat rides fishing and swimming, and has erected resting cottages, where food drink are for sale. The view from prey pros is beautiful and enchanting, while the wind that blows across the river will cool and refresh hot, tired tourists.

Wat Prasat

Wat prasat is located in prasat village, prasat commune, santuk district, about 135 kilometers from phnom penh or 31 kilometers southeast kampong thom provincial town. At on time, there were seven ancient temple at wat prasat but today only one is still standing. It is located behind the recently built temple.

Constructed of brick in the 7th century, wat prasat temple is 3 meters square in diameter. On the temple doorframe is a flower wreath similar to the one at sambo preykuk temple.

Seven hardwood status, carved in the 7th century, remain in the temple, setting it apart from other temple.

The-Northern-Temple-1Wat Kampong Thom

Wat kampongthom, also known as wat indrisamvora, is located in kdei village, preykaku commune, stung sen district, about 1 kilometer from the provincial town. This old temple is a holy place that covers 2053 square meters. Statues related to Buddha story can be found in the pagoda. The pagoda fences are painted in many different colors and styles. The pagoda offers a cool place for visitors to relax, especially during festivals.

Wat Kdei DeumTor-Temple-Sambo-Preykuk

Wat kdei deum is located in kompong chen village, kom pong chen tbong commune, storng district about 52kilo meters northwest of the provincial town. A holy place, the site features two ponds and includes an old temple similar in style to banteay srei temple in siem reap.

Wat Prasat Andet

Wat Prasat Andet is located in prasat village, sanko commune, kompong thom provincial town. Wat Prasat Andet includes and ancient brick temple constructed in the 6th and 7th centuries during the reign of king isanavarman I, dedicating to Brahmanism. The grounds at wat prasat andet are spacious and abundant in koki trees. The grounds have never been flooded.

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